5 tips for a Budget Friendly Holiday Party

Most of all have a good time!


Are you brave enough to host a holiday party?


The holidays can be a wonderful time of year, the winter season has kicked in, fires, eggnog and holiday cheer abound. We get to spend time with my three favorite F’s: Friends, Family, and Food. For some of us thought he holiday season is more stress worry and work than enjoyment. With an eye to relieving at least some of the financial stress of the season here is a quick guide to throwing a budget-friendly holiday party from your friends at MyHugeSavings:

1.) Say YES! – People always offer to help out those brave enough to host a holiday party. Take people up on those offers rather than trying to do it all yourself, this will save you time and money.

2.) Drinks – Take it easy on the volume/variety of booze, Go with one signature drink (maybe eggnog? Or mulled wine?) something you can make on the cheap and let the guests bring over wine and/or beer.

3.) White elephant gift exchange (rules here) – These are more about surprising people with odd gifts and the fun of stealing, er I MREAN … “trading” gifts as the game goes on.

4.)  Make sure you confirm your attendees a couple of times to ensure that you have the right amounts of food and drink, making too much is the Achilles heel of many budgets, and not enough just looks bad.

5.) Go Digital –Applications like eVite are a great way to manage guests, don’t be afraid to use these they’ll cut down on the stress of having to figure out who is attending, who actually got the invitation, and of reminding people.


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